October 16, 2017

Is your WI-FI Secure?

Is your wi-fi network secure? The short answer is NO! Recent announcements of ongoing research by Mathy Vanhoef and Frank Piessens, partially funded by the Research Fund KU Leuven and by the imec High Impact Initiative Distributed Trust project show that all wi-fi networks are vulnerable to at least one […]
October 9, 2017

Screen Capture: Creating a Video of What’s On Your Computer Screen

Sometimes, when you are trying to explain what you see on your computer screen, things get a little frustrating. It’s ok, we have a great little tool for those of you who have a Windows 10 machine, that will make your life easier. Gaming DVR Tool In Windows 10 Win […]
April 19, 2017

Creative Ways to Save Money in Your Small Business

Sometimes the best way to grow your small business is to save money on the things that don’t matter to invest them in those things that do. I recently offered our readers some suggestions on How to Save Money on Web Hosting fees. Today, let’s look at some other ways […]
March 22, 2017

Preventing Burnout for Entrepreneurs

Burnout for entrepreneurs is not the exception to the rule… it IS the rule. When you are an entrepreneur it’s easy to end up being “always at work” and always on call. How you overcome burnout will make the difference in whether you are a successful entrepreneur or a statistic. Define […]
November 27, 2016

Content-First Design at Cool Jazz

Here at Cool Jazz Web Design we follow the philosophy of content-first design. What Is Content-First Design? Content-first design is design that is content driven. In other words, you have to know what the content is, BEFORE you start the design process. Many web design companies will throw up a template, […]
October 2, 2016

10 Marketing Tips for Bloggers

1. Select a clean theme Buying a theme doesn’t guarantee quality. Some premium or paid themes have “dirty” code that don’t do you any SEO favors. On the other hand, some “free” themes do a great job. Do your due diligence before selecting. Beware of poorly functioning/performing themes or those […]
August 27, 2016

Protect Your Laptop & Select a Great Laptop Bag

Laptops are getting smaller, lighter, and easier to carry around. So it may be tempting to just drop them down in a largish purse or a tote bag, along with your other necessities and hit the road… Don’t do it! Laptops, although a common piece of equipment, are still delicate. […]